Day Fourteen

running into doors

i don’t have a
clue on what to write
today has been
filled with so many
encounters of the
human spirit:
anger, sadness,
confusion, and joy
how does one poem
contain it?
it cannot. hence,
why the constant
writing. the over-drawn
debates on the meaning
of Goblin Market,
we’re not looking for
we’re looking
for answers

Day Thirteen

Untitled: Random Lines Throughout the Day

praying in closets
tucked away from
applauding eyes

in response to my best friend’s bag
Me: “Why don’t you ever wear that bag?” It’s beautiful.
R: “Because it’s falling apart…”

sometimes the most beautiful things
are things that are falling apart

i miss childhood…
everything seemed bigger,
and yet smaller
at the same time

Day Five

reading is sometimes like swimming

cramped underneath the
weight of books
their spines,
jostling about me
shouting all the while, “Read me!”
“Read me!”
most times I relent
and dive, mouth first
into the deep,
wide spaces
between words
i recall moving my arms
in swift motions, feet
violently kicking
most days it happens
like this

i’m still learning
how to swim…

Day Three

The Grace to Teach

You have given me the grace
to teach
how to love the test
and the test takers
each question sitting
patiently on the tip
of tongues, waiting
to be answered
every swift extension
of arms, a symbol
of surrender

thank you for giving me the grace
to teach
I understand now
the love of the Teacher
to push his students beyond
what they think they can do
so as to rely fully
on the One
who’s in control