It all started with the flight

JUNE 14, 2013

Today is finally the day.

“And so it begins… I think I feel prepared, but I don’t want to feel over-prepared. I guess in some sense it’s me trying to remind myself to be reliant on God alone. I am only prepared because of God. So I guess I can say yes, YES I am prepared! I am prepared through the Holy Spirit.” -Journal Entry

The whole adventure had not been an easy one, and the difficulty did not stop when I placed my feet in Orlando Airport. My first and middle name did not match that of my passport, just my luck! I was stopped by security, but I refused to sweat. I stood firmly in faith that everything was going to be okay. “You would not bring me this far to leave me,” I repeated over and over to myself. Because God is faithful, I was all cleared to go.

The first flight connected us to Panama, the second flight was on the way to Ecuador…

“Finally we are on our way to Ecuador. It is amazing to be in a plane with the people I spoke about for years! It feels comfortable; I’m not anxious because I have loved and known these people for years… connections will be made for myself and my team. I believe in Your promises. You are making one come true already. I love my team. I love Ecuador. I love You.”

The plane finally lands…

“My tears came flowing as soon as I saw your [Ecuador’s] city lights. I can’t believe I am here! I remember the first time I laid eyes on you, by a mere infomercial.”

The first night was amazing. The whole time I said how much it felt familiar.

…It felt familiar because it was home.

-Dios respira vida en sueños aparentemente imposibles

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